HOTEL LODGING: Special discount rates are available to SCWC conferees. Booking must be made directly through the hotel and confirmed by no later
than the date posted on the website. You must mention the SCWC in order to receive discounted lodging rate.
ADVANCE SUBMISSION READ & CRITIQUE: Available only to registered conferees. Manuscripts will be returned only
at the conference. Fee is non-refundable after posted submission deadline.
ADDITIONAL: Only paid registrants can attend the conference. Early "Bard" Discount is not available with any
other offers.
REFUND POLICY: Conference registration refunds, less a 15% processing
charge, may be obtained before January 6th, 2025. The SCWC reserves the right to cancel this conference without penalty,
its liability limited to a refund of registration fees.
QUESTIONS: Phone the SCWC at (619) 303-8185 or email us.