Presidents' Day Weekend, February 14-16, 2025 A Weekend For Words, September 15-17, 2023 Aim For Excellence, Spring, 2024
November 14, 2016

A Book Worth Writing

A Book Worth Writing

A Book Worth Writing

A Book Worth Writing

So often it is we judge literary success only by the quality of our rejection – Hey, they spelled my name right on the rejection letter! – that it’s easy to lose faith in one’s path to publication. In and of itself, even publication won’t guarantee less rejection from book critics and[Click For The Rest...]
October 07, 2016

1st & 2nd Guest Speakers And Lotsa Good ‘Muse’

1st & 2nd Guest Speakers And Lotsa Good ‘Muse’

1st & 2nd Guest Speakers And Lotsa Good ‘Muse’

1st & 2nd Guest Speakers And Lotsa Good ‘Muse’

Our extended Presidents’ Day Weekend conference takes place February 17-20, 2017. With over five-dozen workshops–including “Rogue” read & critique sessions that often go way, way late into the early morning hours–for the writer devoted to being the best storyteller s/h[Click For The Rest...]
September 30, 2016

LA14 Awards & Wrap

LA14 Awards & Wrap

LA14 Awards & Wrap

LA14 Awards & Wrap

What a fine weekend with fine writers. The overwhelming consensus from workshop leaders, editors, and even all the agents, was that the level of quality represented in manuscripts presented by attending writers was off the charts in level of quality. Not a rare thing at the SCWC, but [Click For The Rest...]
August 03, 2016

4th Guest Speaker; Schedule, Deadlines

4th Guest Speaker; Schedule, Deadlines

4th Guest Speaker; Schedule, Deadlines

4th Guest Speaker; Schedule, Deadlines

Celebrating “a life of high adventure guided by the inspirations and invigorations of smoking marijuana,” Tom Huth’s uplifting new memoir, Forty Years Stoned: A Journalist’s Romance, is now out and gaining a lot of traction. In addition to thoughtful inner-travelogue, the memoir chron[Click For The Rest...]
August 01, 2016

Pre-registration Open; Upskill, Inform, Inspire

Pre-registration Open; Upskill, Inform, Inspire

Pre-registration Open; Upskill, Inform, Inspire

Pre-registration Open; Upskill, Inform, Inspire

And we’re off! Discounted Early “Bard” Pre-registration is now open for our 31st annual winter conference. Do so by September 1, 2016 and save a whopping $125 on Full Conference attendance. While well over six months away, plenty of trusted, familiar friends are already aboard. Regula[Click For The Rest...]
June 09, 2016

3rd Guest Speaker; SCWC Good Books Abound

3rd Guest Speaker; SCWC Good Books Abound

3rd Guest Speaker; SCWC Good Books Abound

3rd Guest Speaker; SCWC Good Books Abound

Publishers Weekly declared her 2010 thriller Rock Paper Tiger an “electrifying debut.” The book went on to become a New York Times bestseller and has since been followed by two other titles featuring Beijing-living Iraq War vet Ellie McEnroe. Hour of the Rat was short listed for Left [Click For The Rest...]
May 10, 2016

2nd Guest Speaker Aboard, Agents, Authors Added

2nd Guest Speaker Aboard, Agents, Authors Added

2nd Guest Speaker Aboard, Agents, Authors Added

2nd Guest Speaker Aboard, Agents, Authors Added

Author of the freshly released Cold Barrel Zero (Mulholland Books), national best-selling thriller writer Matthew Quirk will be joining us in September. Of his latest unrelenting page-turner, in a starred boxed review Publishers Weekly concluded, “Quirk goes flat-out explosive in this[Click For The Rest...]
April 27, 2016

Little Quick Update, Cuz Good Muse Abounds…

Little Quick Update, Cuz Good Muse Abounds…

Little Quick Update, Cuz Good Muse Abounds…

Little Quick Update, Cuz Good Muse Abounds…

While the bulk of LA14 (Irvine) big updates don’t begin till mid-March, there’s just too much good “muse” as of late not to grant some notable shout outs to SCWCers in the interim. Off the recent announcement of the 2016 Independent Publisher Book Award winners (the “IPPYs” as they’re[Click For The Rest...]
March 29, 2016

Give the Reader a Reason

Give the Reader a Reason

Give the Reader a Reason

Give the Reader a Reason

Why? It’s the most important question in writing; the one I hear most during the run-up to a conference. Usually it’s about material going to advance submission readers. “Why can I only submit the first 10 or 15 pages of my manuscript?” I’m asked. “Why not more?” Fair questions. Warra[Click For The Rest...]
March 25, 2016

6 Months Out, 1st Guest Speaker In, Many Aboard

6 Months Out, 1st Guest Speaker In, Many Aboard

6 Months Out, 1st Guest Speaker In, Many Aboard

6 Months Out, 1st Guest Speaker In, Many Aboard

Gwendolyn Womack is the author of The Memory Painter, a dazzling debut novel that skips through time and blends romance, intrigue, mystery and science with masterful flair. Of it, in a starred review Library Journal declares, “It’s best not to try to analyze the ambitious plot o[Click For The Rest...]