Joining us for the first time is Tom Zoellner, co-author of the New York Times bestselling An Ordinary Man, mesmerizing autobiography of Paul Rusesabagina, the hotel manager who turned Rwana’s luxurious Hotel Milles Collines into a refuge for more than 1,200 Tutsi and moderate Hutu re[Click For The Rest...]
Joining us for the first time as a Special Guest Speaker, celebrated writer, performer, musician, and educator Ryka Aoki, recipient of a University Award from the Academy of American Poets. Author Robert Morgan (Gap Creek) calls her He Mele A Hilo (A Hilo Song)—out August 26th from To[Click For The Rest...]
A refreshing mystery without a murder, Good Sam delivers on many fronts. The debut novel from Dete Meserve, it has earned the 2013 Reader’s Favorite Book Awards Gold Medal. Kirkus declared it, “[A] solid feel-good romance sparked with mystery.” And Barbara Schroeder (Beverly Hil[Click For The Rest...]
Selected a “Best Buzz Book” by PublishersLunch for Spring/Summer 2014, Isla Morley’s Above tells the story of a 16-year-old girl abducted and locked in an abandoned missile silo by a survivalist convinced the world is going to end. Booklist calls it, “[A] menac[Click For The Rest...]
Hot off our warm winter event in San Diego (“chance of cloud, tanning likely”), the debate that began opening evening at SD28—whether 50% length of a Kindle book is enough or 100% is too much—still rages. With our fall conference nearly seven months away, we’ll leave it open for discu[Click For The Rest...]
The Kool-Aid was tasty this time around as another fantastic bunch of writers drank from the conference well, to hone their craft and expand new opportunities. What with the current solar vortex hovering over San Diego, many were at risk of mild tanning exposure, but persevered late i[Click For The Rest...]
Less than two weeks till SD28 and so much good “muse” to report. For starters, Tonilyn Hornung’s How to Raise a Husband: A Whole Bunch of Ways to Build a Strong and Happy Marriage—recipient of the SCWC*LA8 Outstanding Non-Fiction Award—is set for release April 1 from Conair Pres[Click For The Rest...]
There is no single right way to write a great book, only an infinite number of wrong ways. Today the same holds true for publishing a great book. Of the countless decisions the modern author must make during the crafting of her book, both creative and practical, tiny and great, perhap[Click For The Rest...]
Note: Originally published in my “Prognosis of a Movie Unmade” series, this article specifically addresses writing synopses for screenplays. Over the years, however, I’ve been told that it has served of value to novelists faced with the daunting task of distilling th[Click For The Rest...]
[Today’s guest blogger is Jean Jenkins, a co-founder of the SCWC, consultant to writers and freelance editor with over 20 years of editorial expertise placing clients with major publishers in both the U.S. and abroad.] I’ve always been of the mind that classes and conferen[Click For The Rest...]