There is no single right way to write a great book, only an infinite number of wrong ways. Today the same holds true for publishing a great book. Of the countless decisions the modern author must make during the crafting of her book, both creative and practical, tiny and great, perhap[Click For The Rest...]
First off, congratulations to SCWCer Amanda LaPera. Having attended both our San Diego and Newport Beach events, this past week saw the launch of her compelling Losing Dad, Paranoid Schizophrenia: A Family’s Search for Hope (Adamo Press). A passionate mental health advocate, Ama[Click For The Rest...]
Boo! We’re back. Despite considerable technical challenges (addressed below the jump), SD28 is shaping up nicely. Our latest Special Guest Speaker to announce is Laurence O’Bryan, winner of the SCWC*SD21 Outstanding Fiction Award for the manuscript that became his debut internat[Click For The Rest...]
Note: Originally published in my “Prognosis of a Movie Unmade” series, this article specifically addresses writing synopses for screenplays. Over the years, however, I’ve been told that it has served of value to novelists faced with the daunting task of distilling th[Click For The Rest...]
[Today’s guest blogger is Jean Jenkins, a co-founder of the SCWC, consultant to writers and freelance editor with over 20 years of editorial expertise placing clients with major publishers in both the U.S. and abroad.] I’ve always been of the mind that classes and conferen[Click For The Rest...]
The SCWC has grown a lot since its founding in 1986, expanding to sometimes three events a year and enlisting a constantly growing roster of accomplished authors, agents, editors and publishers to address the needs of emerging writers intent on getting into print. Some of our success [Click For The Rest...]
Conference weekend is here! Walk-in registration opens Noon today; 7 AM Saturday and 7:30 AM Sunday. There's plenty of room for writers of every realm, so be here or be... where?[Click For The Rest...]