In-person, fervent interaction is not replicated online by Zoom. What makes the difference for writers in the wild? Eyeballs and earwells on their work. Up close, with accomplished professionals providing keen, kind, yet critical feedback in effort to elevate quality and settle only for exceptional execution. Finding that one potential, passionate advocate; that one somebody who understands the ever-changing realities of breaking through present publishing industry intersects, not irrelevant modalities of yesteryear, with the aim of getting you where you want to be with your work. Somebody who gets you. The SCWC focuses on where we’re at, collectively, today and what your writing requires to prevail successfully tomorrow and beyond. Regardless of genre.
Literary agents are a small pleat in the greater fold. Authors, editors, even other aspiring writers with crucial connects, those who are willing to make necessary introductions, remain the fuel of this industry. It’s what built the SCWC. It’s our foundation. Absent celebrity, notoriety, or so-called “influencer” exploitation, story, voice and skill is still what it takes to establish meaningful, memorable legacy in print. (And, hopefully, book sales!)
Our 20th annual fall conference in Irvine is shaping up to be a special one. There’s still plenty of room to join us. Get your words the attention they deserve. Be there.
And for those planning way ahead, our 38th annual winter event will again take place on Presidents’ Day Weekend, February 16-18, 2024. Discounted pre-registration is now open. Full details here.
–Michael Steven Gregory
Executive Director, SCWC