Whether paying a service or electing to do it yourself, a well-produced book trailer or author video raises awareness and helps sell your title long after publication. Unfortunately, most fail to convert viewers into actual book buyers. In fact, the majority are pretty bad. And bad trailers undermine the confidence of prospective readers, forcing them to question whether the book is any better. From concept through completion, this workshop addresses the key components necessary to creating effective trailers that grab viewers’ attention, sustains it, and drives traffic to your website; a how-to complete with freely available resources for you to craft your own quality author video.
As time allows, we will endeavor to troubleshoot and “beat out” the most viable trailer concepts for as many participants as possible during this session.
Staffed by Michael Steven Gregory
Michael Steven Gregory is Executive Director of the Southern California Writers’ Conference. An award-winning filmmaker, he has scripted network series, directed television and features, and been involved as a writer, producer or director in over 150 short films. His longform projects include the doculogues We, The Writer and We, The Screenwriter, the romantic-comedy A Valentine Carol, and groundbreaking Don King Presents: Prizefighter, for 2K Games. His books include Disc Golf: All You Need to Know about the Game You Want to Play, which remains a bestseller over a decade after publication. Michael is also the owner of AuthorEdge, a transmedia content producer for publishers. He has been recognized as Man of the Year from San Diego Writer’s Monthly, and is a recipient of the Odin Award for Lifetime Achievement from the San Diego Writers/Editors Guild.