Rick Ochocki & Janis Thomas kicking off our 19th annual fall conference in Irvine.
Unlike conferences aimed solely to lure as many aspiring authors as possible with big-name superstars far removed from the realities new writers today face trying to break into an increasingly fickle publishing world, or with agents & editors who participate only on the condition that they must request a specified percentage of conferees’ submitted material in order to be invited back, the SCWC is first and foremost about we, the writer. Where she is today. Where he wants to be tomorrow.
We are now in a 21st century business model. Regardless of level, writers are now confronted by a dizzying array of options, opportunities, distractions and potentially disastrous decisions that must be made upon completion of a manuscript. The difference between success and failure often hinges on information and access that enables the writer to make the right choices, right out of the gate.
By hosting a select range of industry professionals, including accomplished authors, editors, and agents actively seeking new clients, the SCWC addresses the issues impacting today’s writers in effort to help facilitate accomplishing their goals.
For some, success is measured simply by finally learning how to start writing a book. For others, success may be measured not by going the traditional route of New York publishers, but by placing with an independent house, hybrid or self-publishing, releasing POD or eBook-only distribution. For all, however, excellence in craft is tantamount in forging a lasting relationship with the reader.
The SCWC substantively addresses issues of craft & execution, as well as marketing strategies & tactics, publishing trends, distribution options, empowering writers with the vital tools and necessary information to take an informed, proactive role in their career goals. How so? In a nutshell, it’s what we call…
SOLVE – the problematic aspects of your story through the feedback from accomplished authors, editors and agents
INTERACT – with working professionals from the publishing and film industries in a relaxed, intimate environment
EMPOWER – yourself with the tools and tactics of success in today’s expanding transmedia world
VALIDATE – your writing accomplishments
ENGAGE – other writers in the greater writer .COMmunity and no longer work in isolation
Your work is worth it. Join us in-person and find the pivotal passionate advocates, cheerleaders, and potentially life-long peers to help you discover your full potential.