Inspired by the recent Reader’s Digest “Write Your Life Story in 150 Words” contest, the SCWC conducted one for SD26. Here is the winning submission.
Into the Night
Joanne Wright Schulte
I cannot forget.
That stranger at my door took me by surprise. Who was he? Why was he at my house?
His few words confirmed my many suspicions. And so I agreed to ride with him into the night. We must hurry. Hurry.
Car lights coming towards us. Heavy traffic. Horns honking. Where were they? Would we catch up with them, discover what we hated to see?
We were silent. No words between us. Our stories the same. Each broken by betrayal and rejection.
Searching, searching, searching each car we passed. Hearts trembling. Praying against the truth we knew, but did not want to admit. In time, our lives would be changed, shattered by the two we sought tonight.
Those we vowed to love, but would soon lose, forever.
Within our hurting hearts, we knew how this evening would surely end. Yes, tonight we would find them, our spouses–together.
The end.